Trade Box is one of India’s upcoming fintech platforms in financial services arena, specialising in providing Financial Market research and products all at one platform, enabling investors and traders to take recommendation from their preferred research analysts.
We are an aggregator of market research directly from the SEBI registered research analysts. TRADE BOX is an intermediary service provider facilitating the research analysts a platform to publish their reports and opinion, which empower in making decisions related to market investments.
The platform of Trade Box is not only limited to the service of the research analysts but also to most of services providers in Financial markets which can help investors with better risk management and diversified investment options like PMS, AMC and Other financial Institutions.
Our Aim is not only to reach out to a large number of investors and traders but also to a large number of research analysts so that a broader market participation can be formed and a larger view of any investment option can be fairly assessed by the investor before investing.
Our vision is to reach out to the maximum number of households as well as corporates and be a readily available guide for their investments and Risk Management related decision making.
Our mission is to empower the research analysts in delivering their class recommendations to investors and traders in a very simplified way that has not been experienced before.